Pysy ajanhermolla ja aallon harjalla - saat tiedotteet ja kilpailukutsut suoraan omaan sähköpostiisi.



European Championships 2014 - Invitation

Now the Worlds are behind us, it's time to consider next year's European Championships at Falmouth, UK. The first step is to make sure the dates are in your diary 21 - 26th July and immediately preceded by the British Open an ideal warm-up event 19 - 20th July.

An invitation is attached with the essential information, but please monitor for the schedule and all updated information as it happens.

Falmouth provides one of the best sailing areas in the UK in a most attractive part of the country and BISMA are working hard to make sure all the necessary logistical arrangements are in place and to provide a great time for everyone - so, very much worth loading up the boat and making the trip.

Do please forward this message on to others you think may be interested - thanks.

Hoping to see many of you there - regards, David Elliott,
on behalf of the organising committee

6mr 22.8.2013

Siirry sivun alkuun

Ranking 2024

1. FIN 80Astrée III
2. FIN 77Antje
3. FIN 49Sara af Hangö
4. FIN 23Merenneito II
5. FIN 51May Be VI
6. GER 68Lillevi
7. FIN 43Wire
8. FIN 74Lisbeth V
8. FIN 39Jolanda
8. L35Elinore
11. FIN 63Boree II
12. FIN 44TOY
13. FIN 38Mariana
14. FIN 66Bambi
15. FIN 61Silene III
16. FIN 64Emzia
17. FIN 22Merenneito
18 FIN 19Puckie

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